Liquidity Grabs
Liquidity refers to the ability to find a counterpart to a trade.
For example, if you want to buy, you need somebody in the market willing to sell it at the price.
Big trades and institutional investors who need to fill big million-dollar orders must find liquidity areas in the market to complete their trade.
Stops are often considered to be critical for survival in a leveraged market.
A trader who does not include stops in his strategy will eventually face a condition of forced liquidation.
A majority of market participants are considered to be speculators who donβt enjoy the luxury of holding on to a losing trade for too long as their positions are leveraged.
Big and small traders often use stop and stop-loss orders to lock in their profits automatically.
Stop hunting is a common practice in the market and involves forcing market participants to leave their positions by driving the price to a level where traders have set up their stop-loss orders.
When too many stop losses are triggered at the same time, a high volatility scenario is created where some investors can find unique opportunities.
Such a practice is called liquidity grab which we discuss further in this guide.
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